Happy Monday, or whatever Monday you choose.
I have been on vacation so this week is a little random. People live their life how they choose. They know it is not always rational, but that is where they are in life. I learned my great insights are things that people already know. I also think that people need people and sometimes if enough people tell you the same thing, you may consider acting on it. Sometimes you want someone to hold your hand even though you know you have to make the journey by yourself.
I am a creator. I am creating a horrible mess in some areas of my life. I am mindful that most of my wounds are self-inflicted. Patiently, I wait for the solutions to arise. A simple thing like acknowledging that I am on vacation is a huge step for me. I do not have anything to prove to anyone except myself. I do hope that my faithful readers were breathlessly awaiting their next edition.
You know what they say about assume? It still holds true. I had to conduct a training exercise and most people in the group assumed they knew what was important to the customer. Unless you ask the right questions, you will not get the answers to address the real issue. My little one erupted into tears at dinner. He was crying and chewing and inconsolable. We all thought it was because he was not going to get to go swimming. The next day when he was calmed down, we talked about it and it turns out he was sad that his brothers and sisters were going to college and soon he would be left alone.
Finally, we need each other. I had the privilege of working the DHL rest stop at bike MS. We screamed and cheered our fool heads off for the cyclists. They said it made all the difference since the stretch before out stop was challenging. The point is that even if you feel foolish, follow your instincts and cheer until the cows come home. Lastly, trust people. On vacation I was able to connect with someone from LinkedIn. She is amazing and I am humbled to know her. If you are heart centered and want to make the world a better place, I highly recommend you check out Jessica Cuervo. I am also blessed to have a supportive boss and colleague. Letting people help me is part of the process to un-create my mess. It is healthy to delegate. Ask for help. I will continue to strive for perfection, but I am okay with being okay.