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Successful Sunday, September 8, 2024

A guitar in shadow surrounded by green to yellow green electricity.

Hello, Subscribers. One of my former leaders told us it's not worth doing if it isn’t fun. This forms the core philosophy of my weekly writings and will help you prepare for the week through the power of play to set yourself up for success. As your guide, I believe incorporating play into your daily routine can enhance your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being, leading to personal and professional growth. I glean insights from my inner child about behaviors and patterns and can help you do the same. Let’s get set up for success.

It’s time for an accountability check-in. I am enjoying my vacation from my primary source of social media. I do have more time. I log in to play the games without looking at messages or posts. I also did not complete my task of working on my 30-day calendar. Today is new, and I have nothing planned besides getting current on my vaccines. Yesterday, I volunteered at an event with my friend. I worked at the table and also provided Reiki during their session. It was a beautiful and profound experience, and after the rush of feel-good energy, I was utterly exhausted. I wondered why since, technically, it is not my energy. I looked up how conductors work; they can overheat when too much power goes through them. How I use my energy will travel into this week.

4 Tarto Cards:  5 of pentacles, 5 of wands, 10 of swords, Queen of Wands

“What is the challenge?” The 5 of Wands depicts several people clambering over different poles, reaching for a flame. A way to get out of our head may be some healthy competition. There is a delicate balance between the poles and the competitors. Sometimes, we can get tunnel vision when we have a scarcity mindset, and by trying to muscle everyone out, we inadvertently lose opportunities. Keeping with our energy theme, the people on the card appear to be scattering their energies. It could also depict different aspects of ourselves or our competing priorities. How can you not spread yourself too thin while leaving your comfort zone?

“What can help?” The 10 of Swords depicts a woman walking alone over a dune. There is a flock of birds above her. What do you do after you hit rock bottom? You get up and keep going. This person has faced their thoughts and come out on the other side. For me, it’s coming to terms with the time I have wasted because I am afraid. It’s saying yes to things that serve no purpose other than to distract me. What story will you confront this week? What does it look like to come out on the other side? What are you feeling? Who is there? Engage all your sense and visualize what winning means for you?

Finally, “What is a way forward?” The Queen of Wands is a vibrant, happy, woman with short curly hair wearing colorful clothing. She sits cross legged on a cloud, her right arm raised holding a wand and she looks with joy at the energy in her left hand. She is surrounded by candles. My attention goes immediately to the candles. This a very joyful and high energy card, and I notice the candles are varied. I get the idea of the candles being all the other requests surrounding us. Yes, the woman is focused on her own energy. What are you personally passionate about? I love creating art and wanting to try painting clothes. I found a really cute jeans jacket. You call can hold me accountable to pouring my energy into this creative project by the time I write back next week. Who are you when you are nurturing your highest self? Namaste

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