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Successful Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Five oracle cards, 2 on top, 1 in the center and two at the bottom against a lavendar backgfound with a light purple heart

Hi, Subscribers. How was last week? As your guide, incorporating play into your daily routine can enhance your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being, leading to personal and professional growth. Let’s set ourselves up for success.

It’s time for an accountability check-in. Yesterday was a perfectly uneventful day. I had quality family time with the kids. I also got my PowerBI report to load correctly, so I am excited about learning something new. I’ve been incorporating affirmations during my morning Yoga, making a difference in my mindset. The paint on the jacket has set; it survived being washed, and I can’t wait to gift it to my niece. I did not write a note to my future self but maintained a good balance despite a jam-packed week with a hurricane! I am thankful that my family and friends are safe, and I hope you and yours are safe. Finally, I said “No” even though it meant disappointing others, and today, I expressed my feelings instead of being passive-aggressive. The other person was receptive, and the situation did not escalate. 😊

I’m using the Sparkle & Shine by Heather Davis this week and the five-card spread it comes with. The cards all have a pink background with falling glitter pooling at the bottom around the name. What is the current situation? We begin with Family. This card has many pink, peach, purple, yellow, green, and blue people icons with little red hearts on their chests. Some are on a path, and others are off the path. Family can mean many things to many people. They can be a source of conflict and your biggest cheerleaders. Others can be your chosen family. What is important is love. How are you currently interacting with your loved ones? This morning, I noticed that I was very hostile towards a family member. What do you see in your communication?

What is the challenge? The Control card depicts three puppets controlled by strings. This morning, I noticed myself enacting the Zhhupp. This is when you shut down and cut off conversation. What would that accomplish? I find this behavior to be manipulative and unhelpful. We often make assumptions about situations. Another family member was in a bad mood. Were they picking up on my mood? It turns out that the person was hungry and could not communicate effectively. Some homemade French toast saved the day. If only it were so easy in the workplace. Do you find yourself trying to control how people react? Are you playing the blame game?

What are the unknown factors influencing the situation? Our physical and mental state can impact our judgment. The next card is the Lightworker card. It depicts a cutout person standing in front of a rainbow circle. There is a purple star on their head and a green heart on their chest, and they emit rainbow sparkles from their hands. During our interactions with others, are we having a people-centered approach, or are we only thinking about what it means to ourselves? Are you in a space where you have good executive functioning? Did you sleep well? Are you hydrated or able to think critically? In the situation with my family member, I noticed that I was hot under the collar and was in the headspace to recognize that maybe I did not understand them. Are you aware when something is off with you? What can help?

We turn to the Victim card for advice. There is a globe and a person in a birdcage with storm clouds above and a chain wrapped around the cage. I was playing the victim in my situation. Did I want or need to escalate by riding away on my high horse? At the heart of the matter was how I felt. Their words made me think that I was not good enough. Was that true? Instead of sulking and being passive-aggressive, I faced the situation head-on. I told them how I felt and why I felt that way. Guess what? That was not their intention, and they reflected on what they said and understood how I could have interpreted it negatively. Since both of us decided not to be victims and empower ourselves, we had a very productive conversation and are in a great space. Did that co-worker or family member intend you harm? Consider taking a moment to get out of your feelings, look at what happened objectively, and be curious. It may turn out that they did mean you harm. You still do not have to be a victim. Feedback is a gift.

Finally, what can help us have the desired outcome in the week ahead? The Heart Chakra card depicts a green heart against a rainbow background. This brings us back to all the little hearts on the Family card. How you interact and respond to others increases or decreases your chances of success. Audre Lorde wrote, “Only by learning to live in harmony with your contradictions can you keep it all afloat.” I accepted my anger and was curious about the underlying influences. If I choose to ignore it, I am confident it would have festered and I would visit my family spoiling for a fight. I am not in control of what people say or do, but I am responsible for how I respond. Am I looking through the eyes of love or as a victim? Love is patient and kind. Even if I disagree with what is happening, responding with curiosity and honesty allows us to act in a way that builds community instead of strife. Will you choose love? Namaste

If you want to incorporate more play to help you deal with the heavy things, all of my current offerings are listed on my Link Tree: