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Successful Sunday, September 15, 2024

a computer sketch of an owl.  The left side is an owl and the right side is  a sugar skull owl

Hello, Subscribers. One of my former leaders told us it's not worth doing if it isn’t fun. This forms the core philosophy of my weekly writings and will help you prepare for the week through the power of play to set yourself up for success. As your guide, I believe incorporating play into your daily routine can enhance your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being, leading to personal and professional growth. I glean insights from my inner child about behaviors and patterns and can help you do the same. Let’s get set up for success.

a jeans jacket with a sketched owl in white paint

This week, we will use “The Urban Tarot” by Robin Scott. “What is happening?” We begin with the 9 of Cups, Happiness. There is an idyllic rose-colored scene of families at sunset at a picnic in a park with a bridge in the background. A stack of red solo cups is next to some hot dogs on a picnic table in the foreground. There is also a little dog catching a frisbee. It reminds me of my weekend since I spent time with my family and enjoyed delicious food. I want to keep that happy feeling in the week ahead, but let’s be honest. There is always some tension at family events, and I am sure the same will happen at the office. Are you refusing to notice the flies and ants that may appear at your picnic?

4 tarot cards  Happiness, Defeat, The Wheel of Fortune, Ace of Swords

“What is the challenge?” The 5 of Swords depicts a slot machine showing five cards covered by five swords pointing toward the center. The cards make a “straight,” but I am unsure if there will be a payout. We got the 5 of Wands last week, and we have a conflict in our thinking versus our energy this week. Another family member and I were not in alignment, and I was thinking of just leaving. That kind of thinking would have escalated the situation. I kept my mouth shut and tried to put myself in their shoes instead. They were working hard on the cooking and probably felt underappreciated. I often speak before I think. What about you? I am not a victim, which is perhaps the challenge when I feel words are directed at me. Feelings are not facts.

“What can help?” The Wheel of Fortune, also the tenth card in the Major Arcana, depicts a giant Ferris Wheel with a Sphinx lit by lightning from a storm and a closed fortune teller booth. The number 10 can represent the end of a cycle. It would have been easy to throw a pity party a few weeks ago, but my friend gave me an excellent perspective. Life just is. Perhaps if I imagined that I was viewing the world from the top of the Ferris wheel, I would see the bigger picture. Thunder and lightning are happening as I type this blog. It’s not Mother Nature having it out for me. I’m the one who gives meaning and interpretation. I can be thankful that the dark skies mean a cooler home since the air conditioner will not have to work as hard. There is a joke about living in Florida. If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. When I encounter a setback, I do not have to let that moment define the week. Pause. The wheels of change are always turning.

Finally, “What is a way forward?” The Ace of Swords depicts a dramatically lit arch with a glowing sword in front. A crown shape and rolling clouds are below, and a plane flying by in the dark sky. It almost feels as if Excalibur is embedded in the crown. Aces often represent new beginnings. Perhaps we can reframe our defeated thinking in the 5 of Swords. After we pause, we can reflect and choose a new way of thinking about the situation. Since feelings are not facts, after pausing, consider what may actually be happening. Was your boss criticizing you or providing constructive feedback because they want you to succeed? The sword is very dominant in this picture, and it is easy to ruminate and let your thoughts run wild. How will you balance your head and your heart? Remember, the power to pause and reflect is in your hands, empowering you to take control of your thoughts and actions. Namaste.

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