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Successful Sunday, October 6, 2024

4 Rider Waite Tarot Cards: 3 of wands, The Hermit reversed, 7 of Pentacles reversed, Queen of cups reversed

Hi, Subscribers. How was last week? As your guide, I'm here to remind you that incorporating play into your daily routine can do wonders for your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being. It's not just about personal and professional growth but also about finding joy in the journey. Let’s set ourselves up for success and inspiration.

It’s time for an accountability check-in. I have managed to stay curious and open with my family members. Another successful week of spending quality time with the family. I am trying a new Snowflake query. I have done my yoga and affirmations every day. I returned to LinkedIn but am not doing the same things. I decided to make fun posts about Inktober and host my audio room game night. Once again, we are facing a hurricane, and I am writing you while I wait for roadside assistance.

As we navigate the week ahead, let's take a moment to reflect on our strategies. The Galaxy Tarot App, featuring the Rider Waite deck, has been my tool for introspection this week. I've been pondering what will help us to navigate obstacles in the week ahead. We begin with the Three of Wands. A trader looks out to the sea watching his ships as he holds a staff. Two other staffs are behind him making a triangle. I thought I was being strategic. I woke up early to get groceries before the rain and recruited the youngest to take in the plants and pick up trash that had blown into the yard. We took him to get a donut as a reward and now I am writing you as I wait for roadside assistance. My first thought was not positive but I don’t want to spiral into a pity party. What do you want to happen in the week ahead? What is your strategy?

What is the challenge? The hermit reversed depicts a robed older man carrying a lantern. When things don’t go my way, I feel isolated, like a tiny, furious God has it out for me. I don’t want to throw a pity party because it won’t help me. How can we prevent a moment from defining the rest of our day? I’m starting with gratitude. I have the technology and the ability to get my kids home safely so they don’t have to be here. The rain is only a sprinkle, and my kid “accidentally” left me a Boba tea. When we hit an obstacle, we must remember we are not alone and not the only ones going through something. I honor my frustration and see it as an opportunity to practice what I am learning about joy. What are your “go-tos” to help with setbacks?

What can help? The Seven of Pentacles reversed depicts a person resting on the handle of a farming tool looking at all the pentacle fruits on a bush. It's easy to give up when things don’t go as planned. I am happy to report that I am home safely and my car troubles were easily resolved. The battery technician was very nice and put me at ease. I often draw strength from prior victories. If I did it before, I can do it again. What if I have no wins to speak of, Stacy? What have you learned from failure? I always celebrate trying because if you don’t try, you absolutely will not succeed. Remember, every effort is worth celebrating.

What can help us have the best possible outcome in the week ahead? The Queen of Cups reversed sits on her throne by the water, peering at an ornate goblet. Feelings are not facts. My first thought when the car wouldn’t start was, “Great, I’m going to have to tow it, and I don’t know if my mechanic will be open since there is another hurricane on the way.” Then, I recognized that I was catastrophizing since I did not know the exact problem. I decided to enjoy the Boba tea my kid “accidentally” left behind and wait in comfort. Mindset makes a difference in how we face our challenges. When he called, the technician’s first concern was to put my mind at ease. I decided to keep my positive mindset. Everything worked out, and what I had to spend on a new battery was better than going to the shop. Frequently, we make mountains out of molehills. My problem could have been a mountain, but why expend mountain-level emotional energy until I know I am dealing with a mountain? The goblet in the picture has a winged figure on each handle. It reminds me of having an angel and a devil on your shoulder, warring for your mind. Thinking about the best outcome gave me the headspace to remain calm and keep a good sense of humor. What strategy can you use in the week ahead to check your feelings? I will prepare for the worst and expect the best. What about you? Namaste

If you want to incorporate more play to help you deal with the heavy things, my current offerings are listed on my Link Tree:

I also encourage you to share your experiences and strategies with the community. Your voice matters and your journey can inspire others.