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Successful Sunday, October 17th, 2021

4 Questions to Get More Clarity in your Life

A dark blurry background with the word FOCUS in white round lights and not quite in focus.

A YouTube video, a random conversation, and yes, another dream had a baby and resulted in this blog.  Yesterday I was speaking with my friend Dannique Blake and I had an idea.  I asked her if she wanted to try out a new reading with me and we had an incredible session resulting in clarity for the both of us.  Both of us have so many ideas that we get analysis paralysis.  I admit that I have so many services that people get confused.  After our illuminating discussion, it became clear to me that people need clarity.  So many posts today have been around clarity as well.  We may all be onto something.  

How do we gain clarity?  One way is to ask questions and then take the time to reflect and respond to the questions in order to get answers and guidance.  I asked slightly different questions this week.  What area is unclear?  What is the biggest challenge to getting clarity?  What can help me to get clear?  Where should I focus next?  Gather your intuitive tools and let's go.  Today I used the Affirmators! Tarot by Suzi Barrett.

What area is unclear?  There are three butterflies holding cups as if saying cheers.  The number three is usually about collaboration and cups is related to feelings.  What comes to mind for me are the relationships that matter.  I have felt pulled in many different directions.  When I think about what I would do if today was my last day on earth, I know that I would want to spend the time with my family.  If that is the most important thing to me, then how to spend quality time with those I love.  I admitted that I had fallen back into my old workaholic ways and did better last week.  Being busy is not helping me and causes me confusion.  Today I almost missed spending time with a friend.  Turns out something had happened in their life as well, so I reclaimed the time and spent it with my youngest.

What is the biggest challenge to getting clarity?  This one had two seahorses holding cups with their tails.  Two is related to balance and again feeling and relationships came up.  Cards about finding a balance often come up for me.  It is a cycle and if I do not address it by taking the time to pause and reflect, I will not gain the clarity needed.  I continue to pour from an empty cup.  It is difficult for me to create win win situations for myself.  Today I am trying out a different strategy with my nuggets to create more equitable interactions with myself and others.  

What can help me to get clear?  There is a mermaid queen holding a cup with a seahorse next to her.  The card is reversed.  I tend to dwell on the surface of things with my shiny object syndrome.  I need to dive deep into my feelings and use my inner wisdome to get clear.  This morning, I told my friend that I am going to sit still and not move until I get an idea of what I want to do.  In the literal thirty seconds that I put down my phone, I got a new idea of how to change my direction.  That motivated me to get up and this blog is also a result of thirty seconds of keeping still.  Imagine what I will be able to do when give my intuition more time and space to develop.  I was put on this earth to help others by using kindness, compassion, and intuition.

Where should I focus next?  I started with threes and ended with threes.  I need my heart and mind to collaborate and process what is happening rather than merely coping.  There are three frogs with swords and three dead fish beneath them.  One of the frogs is crying.  I have to continue to work through the grieving process.  When I bring my heart and mind into balance, I will discover ways to enjoy the people that I love and hold dear.  Where I spend my energy needs to result in a return on my investment.  I am going to invest into myself in order to be able to pour a full cup into my family and loved ones.  Namaste

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