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Successful Sunday, October 13, 2024

3 tarot cards:  4 of swords, 6 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles

Hi, Subscribers. How was last week? I am happy to report that I survived Milton and my family and friends are whole. As your guide, I'm here to remind you that incorporating play into your daily routine can do wonders for your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being. It's not just about personal and professional growth, but also about finding joy in the journey. Let’s set ourselves up for success and inspiration, and remember to find joy in every step of our growth.

It’s time for an accountability check-in. Though I stayed strong and optimistic in the face of hurricanes, I struggled to reframe when facing more car troubles and rain. I got my Snowflake query to run! I’ve also been consistent on my Inktober postings. I canceled the audio room in case I lost power and I don’t know if I will continue my weekly audio games. If you miss them, let me know in the comments. I have a new idea for the next thing I want to paint, so I am letting you all know to keep me accountable.

I’ve been listening to the Game of Thrones audiobook and reflecting on what we see. Syrio Forel, her dancing master, stressed the importance of seeing what is in front of your eyes. He had told her he would do one move, but if she had been watching and seeing his body language, she would have known he would do something else. Walking around after the storm, I was blown away that I had not noticed Foxtail Palms in my neighborhood and all around. I lumped them with all the other palm trees and now can’t unsee them. It was as if fairies had glamoured us. This experience made me realize the importance of being observant and aware of our surroundings. What have you not noticed that has been staring you in the face? Let's all strive to be more observant and reflective in our daily lives.

What insights can we get from The Secrets of Tarot deck by Hinkler Books? We begin with the 4 of Swords. It depicts a sepulcher with a stained glass window. There are three swords on the wall and one across the stone coffin. Part of why we miss out on details is because of the fast-paced world we live in. Having to be cautious and aware of our surroundings after the storm is why I noticed the Foxtail Palms. My kids joke that they can never go missing because I could not tell you what they were wearing. I go by the number of people supposed to be here, so raising a changeling is not out of the question. What is your plan to build in time to observe and process your surroundings?

What is the challenge? The 6 of Pentacles depicts a person giving alms while holding a scale. Part of why we hurry is to be productive. I notice a castle and some trees in the background. It’s easy only to see the people and the six pentacles because they are in the foreground. When we only look at what is immediate and urgent, we fail to see what happens upstream and downstream. Our mind takes shortcuts to be more efficient. Hence, the Foxtail, Coconut, Cabbage Sabal, Bottle, and all the other palm trees are lumped into one generic palm tree, depriving us of the knowledge of the diversity of the flora and fauna around us.

What can help us to see? The 5 of Pentacles depicts two people huddled in the snow, walking past a stained-glass window containing five pentacles. Fear narrows our perspective and the ability to spot opportunities. Being busy robs us of rest and attention. What has helped me is to start my day with positive affirmations. It helps to drown out thinking in problems and primes me to be confident that the solutions are within me. What about you?

A simple exercise that may help is to pause before you do something. Before you get out of bed, listen to your surroundings. What do you hear? What do you feel? Is it cold or warm? Can you tell if the sun is up? Before you enter a building, what do you notice? Do you see any familiar cars? Are there any birds or other creatures? What is the vibe? What are you failing to notice that you are not noticing? When you interact with other people, what do you observe? Are their smiles genuine? Do they look tired? What about you? Does your gut seize up in certain places or with particular people? There is a world of information in front of us if we are willing to be present and trust our senses. Namaste

If you want to incorporate more play to help you deal with the heavy things, my current offerings are listed on my Link Tree: I also encourage you to share your experiences and strategies with the community. Your voice matters, and your journey can inspire others.