Hi, Subscribers. How was it last week? As your guide, I'm here to remind you that incorporating play into your daily routine can do wonders for your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being. It's not just about personal and professional growth but also about finding joy in the journey. Let’s set ourselves up for success and inspiration and remember to find joy in every step of our development.
It’s time for an accountability check-in. Thank you for your patience. My kids planned a trip to celebrate what would have been my husband’s fiftieth birthday and I did not get to making a blog post. I got to touch a moon jellyfish. It feels like cold silicone. Unsurprisingly my sleep is in the bin and I have not gotten back on track. I have not begun my next painting project but I am keeping boundaries. Yesterday, I listened to my body and did not power through finishing my tattoo. I have nothing to prove to anyone, not even myself. I finished reading Strength of Soul by Naomi Racquel Enright so I am finally making a dent in all the books I’ve bought and meant to read.
This week, we will get some advice from Affirmators! Tarot by Suzi Barrett. I also have ideas from The Cinema Detective’s analysis of the movie, The Substance, rolling around my head about us holding on to fixed ideas of self. What is happening? The Death card depicts a jolly skeleton with a scythe walking through a field of flowers. Most people fear the death card, because they resist change. Death is about transformation and ending cycles. It’s about “dying” to the things that no longer serve you. What is preventing you from passing the flowers and ignoring the beauty around you? A few of you are thinking about New Year resolutions. The time is now. But if you are like me, you resist making changes kicking and screaming.

What is the challenge? Temperance depicts a seal dressed up as an angel complete with wings and a pink robe. There is a wavy line between the flippers and flowers in the background. In my upcoming live, we are going to explore the different between meditation and mindfulness. Part of what comes to mind is being in flow. I’ve also been reflecting on “Try Softer” instead of trying harder and it remains a challenge. My kids helped me to practice since during this surprise trip, they made all the plans and took on the mental load. It’s still a muscle to build up as I consistently find myself cramming as much things as possible into my day. Part of the challenge comes from our assumptions about what is happening. For example, when no one told me we were out of bread, I assumed that I would be making an unplanned trip to the store after work. However, one of the kids already took on that task and I did not have to ask. I think many of our challenges come from trying to hold on to older iterations of self. Change does not have to be all or nothing.
What can help? Wow! We got the 9 of Cups again, this time upright. It depicts a genie surrounded by cups. This is a card of wishes being granted. The hardest part of making a wish is deciding what you want. My sister had sent me a video instructing you to write down ten goals, choose one and then break it down and work on it daily. The premise was that if you are not willing to set goals, you would never be successful. My response was to leave her a voice note singing “Loser” by Beck. However, a few paragraphs ago, when I wrote about change, I also went ahead and wrote out ten things I wanted to accomplish and picked one. It's the one I pick every year and fail to do it. I know it’s not impossible because I am enjoying the fruits of a tiny victory from my last attempt. Again, instead of an all or nothing mindset, I can choose to focus on the wins and build momentum.
Finally, what is a way forward? The Five of Wands depicts five angry dragonflies brandishing wands and fighting. No one is making any progress. Since they all look similar, I’m going to interpret this card as our different wants, needs, and responsibilities fighting an internal tug of war. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and quit. My need for rest is warring with all the things I want to accomplish. Today, I wanted to do my grocery shopping as soon as the store opens. Adding to the pressure, I also want to visit a friend in the hospital and I need to get this done before a noon appointment and my book club. Instead, I’m taking up the practice of the pause from last week. When I woke up, this blog was on my mind, so I began my day with writing. Nothing is stopping me from doing my morning yoga next. I also need to accept that I need to build in recovery time. This is my current reality. It doesn’t mean that I am broken, but that I have different needs at this stage in my life. Namaste
If you want to incorporate more play to help you deal with the heavy things, my current offerings are listed on my Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/thingstothinkabout. I also encourage you to share your experiences and strategies with the community. Your voice matters, and your journey can inspire others.