Hello, Subscribers. One of my former leaders told us it's not worth doing if it isn’t fun. This forms the core philosophy of my weekly writings and will help you prepare for the week through the power of play to set yourself up for success. By incorporating play into your daily routine, you can enhance your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being, which in turn can lead to personal and professional growth. I glean insights from my inner child about behaviors and patterns and can help you do the same. Let’s get set up for success. By joining my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/ThingsToThinkAbout, you not only support my work but also gain access to exclusive content and insights.
It’s time for an accountability check-in. I have been faffing around. I’ve been playing a new game this morning: managing a hotel with the most honest employees ever. I completed the colored pencil apple and tried the same technique with crayons. I’ve done a few portrait sketches and got better results with crayons. The wins? I found a reason to celebrate and be joyful every day. Welcome to the latest member of my Patreon Cheer Squad! A family member is out of the hospital, and I am enjoying a long weekend with my sister. I’ve also consistently walked every day due to waking up at the same time every day. Let’s be honest. I do not want to write this blog today. I am allowing myself to be distracted and have been very productive doing important things, but not the things that matter.
What problem are you trying to solve? I write this blog to motivate us for the week ahead, but as I’ve said before, intentionality is critical. I have noticed that I fit in everything around work instead of what is important to me. Okay, I threw my phone across the room. No temptation. Next week, how can we center our personal goals while fulfilling our responsibilities? I will consult The Light Seer’s Tarot, a deck of cards that can provide insights and guidance, for inspiration. I’m part of a problem-solving committee at work. Instead of throwing spaghetti to see what sticks, I’m going to tackle all the issues in a more structured way. The first question when problem-solving is, “What is happening?” The Temperance card depicts a young auburn-haired man sitting cross-legged, juggling the moon and the sun. There is a glowing sphere and ghostly wings behind him. I am personally struggling with finding balance. Last week, I spent about two hours perfecting a spreadsheet. I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment but was too wired to go to sleep and went to bed late. Since I wake up at insane o’clock in the morning, I do not get enough sleep. What can help me not to indulge in an all-or-nothing mindset? What can help you? I’ve found five-minute tasks and using my calendar to be helpful. What is the best use of my energy? Our committee must also define the problem to develop the most strategic solutions.
“Why is it a problem?” The 8 of Pentacles shows a young lady with her light brown hair pulled up in a bun sitting on a chair. She is holding a burning candle; there are various bowls, plants, and stacks of paper around her. Above here is an arch of all the phases of the moon. The full moon was last week, a reminder to release what no longer serves you. This card is reversed, which means that she is struggling to master her tasks, in my opinion. Discipline is a challenge. I blow off personal appointments on my calendar. I can’t even blame my day job because, as we mentioned before, spreadsheets are my happy place. I only need to look in the mirror. Unfocused energy has haphazard results. This means I am not accomplishing my personal goals consistently, which frustrates me. In the workplace, we experience many setbacks due to a clearly defined problem statement and measure of success. I’m also focused on the candle she is holding, and burning the candle at both ends comes to mind. Lack of discipline also results in panic writing.
“What can help?” The Ace of Swords features a person with a nose ring in profile. There is a spiral staircase covering the skull and hair with a beam of light coming from the center. A blackbird also flies away from the forehead. Lao Tzu said, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” The suit of swords is related to thoughts, and mindset is half the battle. I find it empowering to work with my nature instead of against it. If I want to walk in the morning, I lay out my workout clothes, and as long as I get up when the alarm goes off, I am successful. Walking also helps to still my mind, so if I go for a walk after work, that can work off enough nervous energy to be able to decompress. Having clear goals helps me to strategize. What is essential? I will use my early morning time tomorrow to clearly define my personal and professional goals for the week. What is in scope and out of scope for the week?
“What is a way forward?” The 4 of Wands reversed depicts two friends dancing in the desert. One is shaking a tambourine, and four torches surround a tent. We don’t live in a sterile world without other people and obligations. As we plan, making time for other people and joy is crucial. I shared the joy of games and conscripted my kid to manage my imaginary hotel. She thinks it is fun, and I am recognizing that I enjoy the game because everything is simple. There is no strife; no customers are angry; everyone is content to wait for me to make scads of money. If only people were like that in the real world. Our bodies contain insight and wisdom if we choose to listen. These ladies remind me that joyful movement is vital for happiness and success. Have you ever sat in a chair for hours? How does it feel when you get up? Are you stiff and sore? I know I have more mental clarity when I take regular stretch breaks. Imagine our week as a pile of Lego™ blocks. How can we build a harmonious structure that includes time to recharge, our community, and the ability to meet our personal and professional goals? Make it fun. I am so excited to report back next week. Ready to go? Namaste
Please get in touch with me if you wish to incorporate play into your day to spark creative ideas and get unstuck.