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Successful Sunday, July 14th, 2024

4 Tarot cards, 6 of Knives: a person mountain climbing, Death reversed: a girl and a skeleton working in a garden, The Hierophant: A lady in their Sunday best in front of a church, The Tower:  A devastated shoreline of chopped trees

Hello, Subscribers. One of my former leaders told us it's not worth doing if it isn’t fun. This forms the core philosophy of my weekly writings and will help you prepare for the week through the power of play to set yourself up for success. As your guide, I believe that incorporating play into your daily routine can enhance your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being, leading to personal and professional growth. I glean insights from my inner child about behaviors and patterns and can help you do the same. Let’s get set up for success.

It’s time for an accountability check-in. I did not send out a post last week. I was exhausted from a family vacation and did not push through. I consider knowing that I needed the rest a win, but I apologize for posting that I was on vacation. I overestimate how much time or energy I have to do things. I am doing better this weekend and did not plan for anything other than helping my kid to move out. I did want to pack up my bubbles and go away. I recognized that I needed rest (Thanks, Nikk St. Paul), also that I was responsible for my mindset (Thanks, Yinka Ewuola), and to be my number one cheerleader (Thanks, Ekua Cant). So I got back on the horse and successfully launched Mission Inseparable! (Thanks, Evan Birkhead, Maikel Groenewould, and Helen Joy for the encouragement). Other wins were being a guest on the Umbrella US ND & N-O podcast (Thanks AJ Locashio, Genie V, and Jessica Jahns). Also Rajesh Ravisankar and I are returning for round 2 of Mindful or Mind Full where we will tackle recharging when you have all day in-person meetings. I also learned that you have to know when to fold them and understand people’s limits. All in all, a wonderful week despite some challenges. How was your week? What are you wins and learnings?

This week, we're featuring The Black Tarot, by Nyasha Williams, illustrated by Kimishka Naidoo. What should we be aware of this week? The Six of Knives features a young man wearing a white tank top and black pants using knives to climb a cliff. Our goals seem like an uphill slog sometimes. It’s challenging to find your footing. Our intrepid climber has some knives strategically placed to help them navigate the tricky parts. Look at the week ahead and review where you can direct your thoughts and actions to enable you to get over and through. A considerable part of mountain climbing is the mindset that you can do it and bringing along the appropriate tools. What are you climbing towards? What’s at the top of the mountain? Change is not easy. In my work with encouraging play, I was surprised at how resistant people are to embracing joy. But remember, embracing joy and vulnerability can be transformative, empowering you to accomplish your goals. Our mountain climber packed very light and is barefoot. This symbolizes being vulnerable and fully present without barriers. What is essential for your climb? Is rest a part of your journey? What is the vision that will sustain you during this transformative journey? Mine is making a real impact in the lives of others through play. What about you?

What can prevent us from achieving these goals? The next card is Death Reversed. A young girl wearing an orange dress and shoveling in a raised bed garden. Orange represents creativity and joy in my worldview. A skeleton walks next to her, guiding and keeping a lookout. There are also two snakes making an arch and the phases of the moon. When we are embarking on a personal transformation, we also resist change. We want to stick with what is familiar and fear the “death” of our old way of being. I joined Cashflow Summer School hosted by Yinka Ewuola and saw how I resisted change. I like my comfort zone but also recognize that very little grows there. I am not getting the outcomes I want because I walk in fear. Just as the little girl tends to her garden, I need to tend to my habits. I need to ensure that I pluck up the weeds of doubt. What needs to be plucked out of your garden? There is a cost to allowing the weeds to grow. I noticed that I was responding to simple challenges with undue aggression. Even my kid caught it. I had to sit with that for a while (Thanks, Future Cain) and recognized that I was angry with myself. When we ignore our doubts and fears, they manifest in other areas of our life, impacting our relationships. Are you ready to get your hands into the dirt?

What can help us to win this week? The Hierophant comes to our aid. This card portrays a young lady dressed to attend church in a peach-colored dress and matching hat. She demurely looks us in the eye while the moon's phases encircle her. She appears to be holding the full moon. The Hierophant is associated with order and structure. I want to break the rules when it comes up in traditional decks. But the quiet composure of the young lady pictured here makes me rethink my outlook. Part of my struggle this week has been taking disciplined action. I can tell you a million reasons why I can’t do it: I’m tired, I have too much going on, and so forth. However, if we return to our mountain climber, we will fall off the cliff if we quit. If we resist discipline in our personal garden, the weeds will overtake the healthy plants. Where would structure help you to be successful? I understand chafing against rigid rules, especially when some seem arbitrary. Though I groan some mornings when my alarm goes off, I have a better mindset when I wake up and go for my walk. Setting targets and activities to support those goals provides a good framework for me to be successful. Winning motivates me to build on prior accomplishments. Without structure in my life, I end up frustrated and waste time. Having structure includes making time for rest and play. I end up expanding my time and resources because I am using them more wisely. What has been your experience with disciplined action? Things change when you change.

What is a way forward as we begin the week? The Tower card often scares people because it symbolizes utter destruction. According to Nyasha Williams, “A devasted shoreline is littered with trash; trees have been destroyed.” The phases of the moon appear again. This card warns me of burnout and overwhelm. If we push through and use up all our resources without renourishing or replanting, we are left with a scorched earth policy. I am thankful for the Tower card because it reminds me not to let the little things slide. What are the warnings we are ignoring? Is your car making a funny noise? Dismissing it may result in your being stranded on the side of the road. Are you irritable and finding it difficult to function? Your body may be warning you to rest. This is where that disciple comes in. I urge you to make yourself a priority and review the week ahead. Make a plan for your high-energy and low-energy times. Don’t fear the obstacles; they are learning opportunities. Getting a diagnosis helps us to treat the disease versus the recurring symptoms. I went outside of my comfort zone and spoke to people about Mission Inseparable. Many cite not having the time or having too many things going on. I’ve been in the same boat and recognize that the things I ignore because I don’t have time to deal with them, are the things that return with a vengeance and cause me to drop everything and engage. This is why I bang the drum about play. I hate feeling stuck and that I’m never going to get anywhere. My mind expands to find solutions when I take a more playful approach. I’m looking for footholds and places on the mountain of life to rest and enjoy the view. It’s not going to be easy, but I know it will be worth it when I reach the top. Who’s joining me? Namaste

Please get in touch with me if you wish to incorporate play into your day to spark creative ideas and get unstuck.

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