Hi, Subscribers. How was your week? This blog uses the power of Play to guide our daily lives. Play can help you grow personally and professionally and helps to power up your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being. Let’s set ourselves up for success and inspiration and remember to find joy in every step of our development.
It’s time for an accountability check-in. The biggest win is the power of community. Robin made it to Atlanta!! Also, I began my series about myth-busting play. You can watch the replay on LinkedIn. I’ve continued to hold my boundaries around my talents. I successfully made a gluten-free version of Mom’s fruit cake. If the first day is how the rest of the year is going to be, then we shall have delicious food and harmonious relationships. I managed one decompression session this week and could use a nap. I am not going to take it, but I am going to bed early. Another win was being more intentional in my communities. How was your week?
I was reminded about the Spiritual AF deck by Roxan McDonald. Also to quote Mona Eltahawy, if you are a member of “the Woman Has Said a Bad Word circus” you may want to skip this week. What is happening? We begin with a deep purply rose card with text that looks like a neon sign that says, “RISE ABOVE YOUR FUCKHEADEDNESS.” One of my intentions was to notice when I used negative self-talk. I have improved but sometimes it makes me want to give up. If you don’t know, you can’t improve. Maybe for this week, let’s take the “What is happening” question and literally notice what is happening.
What is the challenge? Next is a white card with blue handwritten block letter text that says, “HOLDING ON TO RESENTMENTS IS LIKE TAKING A SHIT IN YOUR OWN HEART.” I was speaking with a friend about things that make us irrationally angry. I had to work hard to think about it, but once I did, I noticed my voice was getting louder, my fists were clenched, and I had not remembered to breathe. This also happens anytime I think about the old Alien Encounter ride. Merriam-Webster defines resentment as “a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury.” It is important to honor our feelings, but if we dwell on them for too long they can cause more harm than good. If I am nursing resentment, am I seeing people as they are, or am I reducing them to a bitter caricature?
What can help? We get a grey card that looks like an old piece of notebook paper with the read header and blue lines with grey block letter text that says, “YOU CAN LEARN A LOT OF GOOD LESSONS FROM A FEW FUCKED-UP PEOPLE.” How I interpret a situation says more about me than what I observe. I once dated a guy who told me I ranked somewhere after laundry on his list. He was my first heartbreak and eventually I learned to not be around people who do not value me. Believe it or not, he met my husband, and they got along great. See, I did learn to release resentment. Sometimes, I’m the fucked-up person and recognize the need to transform. Think of it like baking a cake. You can give the same ingredients to different people. Some will make something tasty, and others will make something that is inedible. If you ate the inedible thing, what did it teach you?
What is a way forward? It is a card that looks like blue grid paper. In red block text is says, “BE YOURSELF EVEN IF YOU’RE CRAZY. STOP WORRYING ABOUT NORMAL-ASS, NOTHING-ASS PEOPLE JUDGING YOUR COOL WEIRD-ASS.” Self-acceptance is key. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” is often attributed to Oscar Wilde. I like reading tarot using Pokémon cards, blowing bubbles, and wearing a flower in my hair. I used to think I was weird and hid what I now recognize as my strengths. If you can be kind and compassionate to yourself, it is easier to treat others the same. As you are noticing the negative self-talk this week, also notice your unique value. I challenge you to counter every time you put yourself down, with three things that make you incredible. Namaste.
Exciting news, we have a date! The next Clarity Playshop is going to be on Tuesday, January 28th at 6:00PM EST. Register here: https://forms.gle/W4oh7t7xNvJVR5pz7
It’s a great opportunity if you want to:
· Access your intuition and gain crystal-clear vision.
· Break free from analysis paralysis and make decisions with ease.
· Combat burnout and reclaim your creative spark
If you want to incorporate more play to help you deal with the heavy things, my current offerings are listed on my Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/thingstothinkabout. I also encourage you to share your experiences and strategies with the community. Your voice matters, and your journey can inspire others.