I am grateful for my bladder because not only does it wake me up, but I think it is the only reason I got out of bed this morning. I had a great reason. My poor angelic cat was snuggling against me to stay warm. Since I was up, I made some coffee and rationalized an excellent breakfast of chocolate cake. I wrote my daily intentions and got the Devil card on my app. Discouraged by my lack of progress and that I had written the same goals for the past few days. Spoiler, I failed today as well. Reframe. I learned from the outcomes. As I reflected on the Devil card, it appeared that Satan was giving me a high five. I crawled back into ,my bed and watched K-dramas while bemoaning my heartburn from eating the cake.
Today was not a total pity party. My friend and I might. My friend and I probably. My friend and I are going to write a book, and tomorrow we will have a brainstorming session. It's funny, I have a list of what I want to accomplish in my head, and I got more of those items done compared to the things I wrote down. Despite a very late start, I got groceries and taught my youngest how to make granola bars and soup. The soup was a family effort but his pride and excitement from tasting his efforts were worth it. The things I wanted to do: this blog and my podcast are important, but teaching my kids is mission-critical.
We all struggle from time to time. I am not going to let this setback define me. I hope you always remember to be kind and compassionate to yourself. I did not get everything I wanted done, but I did succeed at what is truly important to me. A billion years ago, I set up a Patreon to one day look into that. Guess what? I've had a subscriber this entire time and had not produced any content!!! I am grateful for their graciousness. As a result, I've started to play around with it. Fear not. This blog will remain free to my subscribers. I also realized that just because something requires a little effort does not mean I should give up. I can't keep sticking my head in the sand. I've got to channel some Incineroar energy and be bold and light my fire., be bold, Whew! It's so hot now, I need to shed some layers.
Tomorrow will be different. I will not keep living Groundhog's day, and you can also start anew. I'm turning back on my alarm and I am going to set my course. After the pity party, you clean up the confetti and move forward. I walked past a hanger that's been on the floor all week and stopped myself. What would the person I want to be do? She picked it up and hung it up. When that alarm goes off, I have a choice to make. Am I going to be today's Stacy or am I going to be the person I was meant to be? Namaste.