Hi, Subscribers. How was your week? This blog uses the power of Play to guide our daily lives. Play can help you grow personally and professionally and helps to power up your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being. Let’s set ourselves up for success and inspiration and remember to find joy in every step of our development.
It’s time for an accountability check-in. I have been more intentional in my communities. Life tends to give you repeat tests, and I passed. I held to a boundary again, and the world did not fall apart. I finally finished a huge personal project that took literal blood, sweat, and no tears 😊. Instead of watching my K-Dramas, I wrote posts launching a mutual aid collaboration. I tried out a YouTube video suggestion on drawing people as cartoons and some of my efforts came out pretty cute 😊 I completed one of my pending replays! Areas of opportunity are still decompression and not doom-scrolling before bed. I accidentally deleted all my emails from a personal account and feel liberated!
As we draw to the end of the year, we will take some time for reflection. Many people like to use a word to describe their year. As we reflect, we will draw inspiration from the Affirmators! At Work by Suzi Barrett. The illustrations are by Naomi Sloman and are © 2018 Knock Knock LLC. Let’s reflect on our Past, Present, and Future. What is one word to sum up the past, and what does that mean to me? Networking. It’s a blue card with white text, but I want to lean into the personal reflection of what comes up when I think about the word. Networking reminds me of how much I hate networking. 😂 I enjoy connecting with people but don’t like wasting time. I am getting a tiny bit more discerning with the people I connect with. It is vital to create win-win situations when building relationships. I like the viral videos that portray what the world would be like if people were honest without filters. So, if you are reading this, my intention is to share my gifts with the community in a fun way to inspire you all to trust your intuition and for you to see how awesome I am and pay to work with me 😁. What have you done in the past around networking? What worked? What will you do differently in the week ahead?
What is one word that describes the present, and what does that mean to me? Opportunities is a light peach card with a picture of a crystal ball containing a signpost pointing in multiple directions to multiple Dream Jobs on a gold stand on a floating burgundy carpet. There is text, and funny enough, I did create a type of fortune-telling-inspired interactive PowerPoint. I haven’t figured out how to make it an app as yet. Opportunities mean creating win-win situations. I have created many different Play challenges and Missions this year and am currently in a campaign to help my friend move to Atlanta. If you want to help, please get in touch with me today since it’s time-sensitive. What opportunities will you create in the upcoming week? How will you best position yourself to find and act on opportunities?
What word can guide my future activities and guide my next step? Prep Work depicts an anthropomorphic can wearing sunglasses, throwing papers over its shoulder, and handing a pair of sunglasses to a fox in a business note who appears to be dating a ballpoint pen. The fox is supposed to represent organization and the pen planning. These are definitely the kind of “people” I need to network with since watching K-dramas and doom-scrolling is not moving me forward. Prep Work is not sexy, but it does make everything else easier. During one of my trainings, I tried a suggested experiment. Write the numbers 1 to 26 at the top of the paper and then the letters A at the bottom, and time yourself. Now, write a number and then a letter; for example, write the number 1 at the top, then the letter A at the bottom, 2 at the top, B at the bottom, and so on. Time yourself. You can accomplish more if you focus on a single task. Baking a cake is much easier if you prepare and measure the ingredients first versus being halfway through and realizing you don’t have an ingredient. I think I will be dating my calendar next year, but it will not be a fulfilling relationship if I don’t honor my commitments. What do you want to accomplish next week? What prep work can you do today? Make it fun. Try color-coding your calendar or create fun names for your meetings. Who wouldn’t want to attend a meeting called “The Hand that Knows the Customer, Rules the World?” Namaste
Help Robin move to Atlanta and register for my January Clarity Playshop! https://forms.gle/W5DsGj8SQYhHZFRT7
It’s a great opportunity if you want to:
· Access your intuition and gain crystal-clear vision.
· Break free from analysis paralysis and make decisions with ease.
· Combat burnout and reclaim your creative spark
If you want to incorporate more play to help you deal with the heavy things, my current offerings are listed on my Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/thingstothinkabout. I also encourage you to share your experiences and strategies with the community. Your voice matters, and your journey can inspire others.