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Successful Sunday, December 24th, 2023

traffic light in the dark

Hello Subscribers. My weekly writings will help you prepare for the week and set yourself up for success. I glean insights from various intuitive tools. Full disclosure: I am shamelessly plugging my upcoming Playshop this Friday, December 29th.

Last week, I successfully included exercises to help me decompress and renew throughout the week. After Friday’s scream fest, I began practicing morning papers, where you write three pages of an uninterrupted stream of thought, and I found it helpful and insightful. My upcoming workshop will explore the reflective tool Stop, Start, Continue. For most people, 2024 will mean beginning new projects, restarting work after the holidays, or trying to accomplish other goals. You do not have to wait for the new year to begin. I learned from my morning papers that I am where I am because my network provides opportunities. I went to college on a full scholarship because my community told me about a scholarship. What seeds will you plant next week, and will you be prepared for the harvest? Begin this week intentionally and have a plan for success. For example, if you plant zucchini and have a bumper crop, how will you ensure you do not waste the abundance? My new connection Alhagi Touray, is a commercial farmer in Gambia. I like his harvesting plan: one-third for his family, one-third for his community, and one-third for profit.

Most Start-up or Change Management cycles include the Valley of Despair. You dreamed of a fantastic garden where you would never again have to buy vegetables. The reality may consist of bugs, fungus, low yields, and more weeding than you bargained for. How can you balance your vision and keep it rooted in reality? I encourage you to continue the renewal practices you developed from my last post and nightly reflections. What should you continue doing? What needs to be fixed? How are you feeling? Checking in with your body and emotions is critical because we are not wholly logical beings. Remember to be kind to yourself when things do not go according to plan. My Scream and Shout and Liget all out forced me to reckon with buried emotions and journalling about them provided terrific insights.

Heartache is a constant companion when pursuing your dreams. This week, I noticed that I was soothing my feelings instead of acknowledging them. It is vital to express your disappointment or frustration. My journal was my best friend. Other people shared using music, humor, and movement to process how they felt. It would help if you embraced the discomfort of difficult conversations. I had a confrontation today where the other person was defensive. Instead of meeting them with anger, I was compassionate but held firm boundaries. Everyone will not share your vision. You may end your journey with fewer or newer traveling companions than before you began.

Soil packed too firmly makes it difficult for the roots to find purchase and thrive. It would be best to remain grounded and agile enough to pivot. Some of you may continue your existing work and find it unsatisfying or unfulfilling. What new strategy, mindset, or action will more closely align with your goal? Are you being honest with yourself? I use give-minute tasks to jumpstart roadblocks. What helps you to pivot? How can you loosen any constrictions? I keep beating the journalling drum, but self-reflection is very powerful. We are sometimes wrong and can make mistakes. How will you identify what you do not know that you do not know?

Remember to keep your team in the loop as you start this week. I have several accountability partners for all my goals. My primary co-conspirator is my subconscious. Seeing my thoughts in writing forces me to interrogate my thinking and refine my plans. Community discussion helps share unique perspectives. You want to ensure that your work is inclusive and effective. What will you do to strengthen collaboration and your relationships? I challenge you to try alternative communication. A phone call to a girlfriend accomplished more than our constant texting. If you would like a more structured and fun way to reflect and tweak your goals, please join me this coming Friday, December 29th, at 6:00 pm EST. I am hosting an online Playshop to help you understand where to Stop, Start, and Continue. It is a paid event. Learn more here:
