Hi, Subscribers. How was your week? As your guide, I'm here to remind you of the power of play in your daily routine. It's not just about personal and professional growth, but also about finding joy in the journey. Incorporating play can do wonders for your creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being. Let’s set ourselves up for success and inspiration and remember to find joy in every step of our development.
It’s time for an accountability check-in. I am celebrating another college graduate! I nailed my karaoke selections at an office party and gained backup dancers! 🕺🏽🕺🏽🕺🏽 I met with a new connection and got inspired to create Art for Busy people. The challenges still have been about getting enough sleep. What about you? Also, I want to take a nap. Will I? Or will I go down the K-drama rabbit hole? Tune in next week.
This week, we will draw inspiration from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris Anne. My sister sent me a random post on Instagram from @timeinvestors, which reposted a video from @grahamcweavers featuring questions to ask when you are stuck. What am I avoiding? We begin with The Star. An auburn-haired lady wearing a blue and purple dress kneels, holding onto a star by a string, and looking up at the purple night sky. This seems a very hopeful card and is often called the wish card. I am avoiding putting myself out there, which, according to Mr. Weaver, is what I need to do. I also look at the very nature of The Star as avoiding doing the hard work and instead dreaming that everything is going to work out magically. Hopeium does not get things done.
Where do I start? The Devil appears as a hunky tall, dark, and handsome merman. His hand is outstretched, but do you notice the poor little person strung up like a puppet entangled in his fingers? I can start by dealing with my procrastination. Fear not; I have an appointment on my calendar to make a budget AND to meet with my LinkedIn coach. What is something that you wanted to do? What is the first step you can take? https://goblin.tools/ helps break tasks down. Another step is using my delaying tactics as a reward. For example, after I watch a replay, I can play a round of Melon Maker.
How do I win today? The Wheel depicts a joyful blonde woman wearing a white tank dress and combat boots. She is doing a tree pose on top of a spinning wheel. There are many wheels underneath. “When you have two problems, sometimes one of them is a solution in disguise.” – Jim Butcher, ‘Peace Talks’ In Florida, we say if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. Do not let your setbacks stop you from winning. Mr. Weaver suggests listing three things to do. Usually, we cycle between our personal and professional lives. It can be a both and. I can have a goal to take a nap, write this blog, and take my kid out for churros. Even if I didn’t want to drive, it would motivate me to complete an errand that I have been putting off since I’m already out and about.
What are the habits interfering with where I want to go? The King of Wands depicts a muscular Black man wearing a red t-shirt and jeans and holding a lit torch. Behind him, a lion looks on. Wands are about energy, and being a King means mastering your energy. Our King looks composed and confident. He is not waving the fire wildly. I know I tend to scatter my energy trying to do too many things. Then I get burned out. Our King would not have any issues delegating. I delegated yesterday, and it probably saved my life since I got food poisoning and would not have been able to do all my planned tasks. Patience and pausing would help me to harness my energy better. Well, I have a date with a churro 😊 Namaste.
Speaking of getting unstuck. Registration is open for my January Clarity Playshop!
It’s a great opportunity if you want to:
· Access your intuition and gain crystal-clear vision.
· Break free from analysis paralysis and make decisions with ease.
· Combat burnout and reclaim your creative spark
If you want to incorporate more play to help you deal with the heavy things, my current offerings are listed on my Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/thingstothinkabout. I also encourage you to share your experiences and strategies with the community. Your voice matters, and your journey can inspire others.